Elizabeth Woodworth
1 min readApr 14, 2016

Election Year, and the Regrettable Moral Compass of the US “mainstream” Media

Until the general United States public becomes educated about, and catches up with, the Nordic countries, France, Canada, and others, regarding a good solid safety net of health and social programs, the US underprivileged will vote in ignorance and desperation for candidates like Trump.

People who look beyond the misery that has come to embrace much of the United States, however, wish to see a genuinely caring candidate like Bernie Sanders.

But Bernie was kept out of the election spotlight for a long time by the corporate media, which does not particularly monitor the welfare of the people. (Now that Sanders has become an unstoppable force of citizen energy, the mainstream media, having an embryonic moral compass, find it in their interests to cover him.)

While the Paris climate summit was going on last December, the corporate media’s favorite stories were Trump’s outrageous statements, and the San Bernardino shootings.

Meanwhile, global humanity was assembled at the largest meeting of nations since the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and global humanity, largely unknown within the United States, came to an unprecedented agreement to address climate change.

For anyone who would like to know more about that meeting, my professionally-made citizen documentary will take you inside it:

Elizabeth Woodworth

Writer, researcher and retired health sciences librarian. Advocates urgent climate action http://www.claritypress.com/Griffin.html for worldwide and inter-generational justice.